Private lessons, courses and group classes
Any collaboration with SAS HALLEY, whose registered office is located at 10 rue de Madrid 11100 NARBONNE, registered capital of 1000 euros, registered at the RCS of Narbonne under the number SIRET 819 958 380 00019 registered with DIRECCTE under the number 76110142211 ; CODE APE 8559B, whose trade name is HALLEY LANGUAGE INSTITUTE implies the application of the following general conditions:
Rates and registration:
Any registration to a lesson will be validated with the payment of the deposit. For courses or group lessons, registrations are taken by order of validation and within the limits of available places. Halley reserves the right to cancel the reservation when the customer’s identity or email address is incorrect. Rates shown on the website are indicative. The price applied is the one that is validated by the customer during the confirmation of the order or signature, a quote, an invoice, a contract or a training agreement. Any change in the VAT rate may be reflected in the price of the services. Pre-registration for a course is done via email, phone or directly in Institute. To benefit from the various promotional offers or special rates, proof of promotion (membership card, COS …) must be submitted at the latest on the day of the billing. No refunds or discount will be made retroactively.
Means of payment:
30% of the total of the service is due with the order. This deposit is non- refundable. The remainder of the amount due must be paid no later than the first day of the start of the training. In application of the law of 4 August 2008, any unpaid sum due 30 days after the end of the service gives rise, without prior notice, to the payment of interest on late payment penalties at the legal rate in force. Accepted means of payment are checks, money orders, direct debit, and cash.
Right of withdrawal:
The subscriber has a period of 14 days from the date of his order to retract by sending a registered letter to SAS HALLEY, 10 rue de Madrid, 11100 Narbonne. In case of exercise of his right of withdrawal, customer who has expressly requested for the service to begin before the expiration of the withdrawal period remains liable for the cost of services performed until the receipt of its withdrawal by Halley Language Institute. The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for fully executed service contracts before the end of the withdrawal period.
The courses offered by Halley Language Institute, provided during a session and / or a copy of which is sent by e-mail at the end of a lesson are the property of Halley Language Institute.
valid only for group classes:
Any reprogramming must be written by each member of the group at least 72 hours before the beginning of the lesson. As a result, all lessons paid at group course rate are non-refundable and can only be re-scheduled at the request of the entire group. If these conditions are not fulfilled no change of time is possible.
Halley agrees to reprogram the private lessons canceled less than 72 hours before the start of the lesson for health reasons upon presentation of a medical certificate, upon receipt of it.
For private lessons:
Any reprogramming of a particular lesson must be written at least 72 hours before the start of the lesson.
Halley agrees to reprogram the private lessons canceled less than 72 hours before the start of the lesson for health reasons upon presentation of a medical certificate, upon receipt of it. Halley may need to change the location or the time of a course and agrees to notify the client at least 48 hours prior to the start of the lesson.
Halley reserves the right to cancel a lesson in case of force majeure and such cancellation cannot be held liable. The lesson will then be reprogrammed at Halley at a later date as far as possible.
The institute is committed to using all its skills to support its trainees in the achievement of their objectives but declines from any obligation of result.